VDR PIM Plugin
(updated 2007-12-30)
This is a plugin for
Klaus Schmidingers Video Disk Recorder.
This is a plugin for VDR to display a calendar.
You can browse the calendar monthly by pressing +/- buttons.
Use the up/down/left/right buttons to move the cursor around.
If you hit the first/last day of a month and continue to
move the cursor, the calendar will jump to the previous/next
A day will be displayed in green color if there's any event for
this day.
Press RED to return to the actual month.
Press OK to see a list of all events for this day.
Press BLUE to see a list of all events.
In either of these lists you can edit / insert / delete events
like in VDR's timer menu.
Events will be stored in a textfile which is located in your
vdr-config-directory and is called plugins/pimEvents.conf.
If no file exists it will be created if necessary. Please ignore
any error messages after the first start.
Screenshot 1 (german)
Screenshot 2 (english)
Version 0.0.8
Version 0.0.7
Version 0.0.6
Version 0.0.5
Version 0.0.4
Version 0.0.3
Version 0.0.2
Version 0.0.1
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English Wiki Page
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